Die Led-armatuur is 'n ingenieursontwerpte oppervlak-geïnstalleerde lineêre lig wat maklike en stabiele verbinding vergemaklik.
Die voeghakies sal weer in die profiel geplaas word, mense hoef net een moer reg te maak om die aansluiting te voltooi vir langer verbinding.
Die drywer van hierdie lynlig is binne die profiel vasgemaak, met die optiese lens wat maklik geskuif of reggemaak kan word, dit laat moeitelose installasie en instandhouding toe.
Wat meer is, dit dra by tot die skep van 'n netjieser omgewing oor die algemeen.
Om gemaklike beligtingstoestande te verseker, gebruik hierdie fabriek lineêre lig 'n anti-glans prismatiese lens, wat die lig sal versag terwyl die glans tot 'n aansienlike mate beheer.
1, aanpasbare lengte:Hierdie lineêre lig bied 'n reeks aanpasbare lengtes om aan verskeie toepassings en installasievereistes te voldoen.
2, Kleurtemperatuurreeks (2200k~6500k):bied 'n wye reeks kleurtemperatuuropsies, wat strek van warm, knus beligting by 2200 Kelvin tot koeler, dagligagtige beligting by 6500 Kelvin.
Hierdie kenmerk stel jou in staat om die atmosfeer van jou spasie aan te pas volgens jou voorkeur of spesifieke behoeftes.
3, CRI80 of CRI90:Die beligtingsoplossing bied twee opsies vir kleurweergawe-indeks (CRI): CRI80 en CRI90.
CRI80 verseker goeie kleurakkuraatheid, terwyl CRI90 selfs hoër kleurgetrouheid bied, wat dit ideaal maak vir toepassings waar akkurate kleurvoorstelling van kardinale belang is, soos in kunsgalerye of kleinhandeluitstallings.
4, Veranderlikheid van krag en doeltreffendheid:ontwerp met buigsaamheid in gedagte, wat verskillende krag- en doeltreffendheidvlakke bied om aan uiteenlopende vereistes te voldoen.
5, mikro prismatiese lens:Hierdie lig gebruik die prismatiese lens om beligtingsomgewing met URR<19 te gee
6, interne bestuurder:spaar die spasie vir die bestuurderinstallasie, hou die omgewing netjies.
7, Groot spasie in die profiel:die agterblad van die profiel is maklik om oop te maak, maklik die hele installasie proses.
8, Maklike verbindinghakies: toegerus met gebruikersvriendelike verbindinghakies wat die installasieproses vereenvoudig.
Hierdie hakies fasiliteer vinnige en veilige verbindings, verminder die behoefte aan uitgebreide arbeid en tegniese kundigheid tydens opstelling, kry foutlose, deurlopende beligtingseffek.
Hierdie lineêre beligtingsoplossing is ontwerp om standaardkleurkeuses van elegante mat wit, slanke swart en verfynde silwer te bied.
Verder, vir diegene wat 'n tikkie verpersoonliking en lewenskrag wil inbring, bied ons 'n pragtige reeks van 48 kleure vir poeierbedekking.
Dit vind uitgebreide gebruik in korporatiewe omgewings, akademiese instellings, vergaderlokale en verskeie professionele werkruimtes.
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 15W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 1148-1313lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 85 lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 15W Doeltreffendheid: 85lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1275 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1275 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1275 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1148 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1148 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1148 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1313 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1313 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1313 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1182lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1182lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1182lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1211 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1211 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1211 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1090lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1090lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1090lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 15W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 1418-1622lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 105lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 15W Doeltreffendheid: 105lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1575 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1575 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1575 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1418 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1418 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1418 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1622 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1622 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1622 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1460 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1460 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1460 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1496 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1496 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1496 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1347 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1347 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1347 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 15W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 1661-1900lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 123lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 15W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1845 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1845 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1845 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1661 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1661 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1661 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1900 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1900 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1900 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1710 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1710 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1710 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15.0W | 1753 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1753 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1753 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1577 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1577 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 15,5W | 1577 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 27W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2066-2364 lm/st |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 85 lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 27W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2295 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2295 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2295 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2066 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2066 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2066 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2364 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2364 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2364 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2127 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2127 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2127 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2180 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2180 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2180 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 27W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2552-2920lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 105lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 27W Doeltreffendheid: 105lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2835 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2835 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2835 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2552 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2552 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2552 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2693 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2693 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2693 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2424 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2424 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2424 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 27W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2989-3421 lm/st |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 123lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 27W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 3321 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3321 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3321 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2989 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2989 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2989 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 3421 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3421 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3421 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 3079 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3079 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3079 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 3155 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3155 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 3155 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.0W | 2839 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2839 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 27.8W | 2839 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 35W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2677-3064 lm/st |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 85 lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 35W Doeltreffendheid: 85lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 2975 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2975 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2975 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 2678 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2678 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2678 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3064 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3064 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3064 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 2758 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2758 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2758 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 2826 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2826 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2826 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 2544 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2544 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 2544 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 35W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 3307-3785lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 105lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 35W Doeltreffendheid: 105lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3675 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3675 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3675 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3308 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3308 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3308 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3785 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3785 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3785 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3407 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3407 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3407 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3491 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3491 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3491 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3142 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3142 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3142 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 35W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1229 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 3874-3990lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 123lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 1,55 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 35W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 4305 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 4305 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 4305 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3875 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3875 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3875 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 4434 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 4434 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 4434 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3991 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3991 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3991 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 4090lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 4090lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 4090lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 35.0W | 3681lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3681lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1229mm | 36.1W | 3681lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 27W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2066-2364 lm/st |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 85 lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 27W Doeltreffendheid: 85lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2295 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2295 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2295 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2066 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2066 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2066 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2364 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2364 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2364 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2127 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2127 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2127 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2180 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2180 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2180 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 27W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2552-2920lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 105lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 27W Doeltreffendheid: 105lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2835 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2835 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2835 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2552 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2552 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2552 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2693 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2693 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2693 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2424 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2424 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2424 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 27W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2989-3421 lm/st |
IP / IK | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 123lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 27W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 3321 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3321 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3321 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2989 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2989 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2989 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 3421 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3421 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3421 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 3079 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3079 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3079 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 3155 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3155 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 3155 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.0W | 2839 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2839 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 27.8W | 2839 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 36W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 2754-3152lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 85 lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 36W Doeltreffendheid: 85lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3060 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3060 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3060 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 2754 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2754 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2754 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3152 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3152 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3152 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 2837 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2837 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2837 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 2907 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2907 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2907 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 2616 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2616 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 2616 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 36W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 3402-3893lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 105lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 36W Doeltreffendheid: 105lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3780lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3780lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3780lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3402lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3402lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3402lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3893 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3893 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3893 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3504 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3504 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3504 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3591 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3591 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3591 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3232 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3232 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3232 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 36W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 3985-4561 lm/st |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 123lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 36W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 4428lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4428lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4428lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3985 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3985 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3985 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 4561 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4561 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4561 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 4105 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4105 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4105 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 4207 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4207 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 4207 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 36.0W | 3786 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3786 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 37.1W | 3786 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 45W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 3442-3940lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 85 lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 45W Doeltreffendheid: 85lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 3825 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3825 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3825 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 3443 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3443 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3443 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 3940 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3940 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3940 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 3546 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3546 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3546 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 3634 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3634 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3634 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 3270 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3270 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 3270 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 45W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 4253-4876 lm/st |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 105lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 45W Doeltreffendheid: 105lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4725lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4725lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4725lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4253lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4253lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4253lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4867 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4867 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4867 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4380lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4380lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4380lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4489 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4489 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4489 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4040lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4040lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4040lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | LUZ | Inset Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Opties | Prismatiese lens | Krag | 45W |
Straalhoek | 85° | LED | Osram |
Voltooi | Swart tekstuur (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Aan/Af >0.9 |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Dimensie | L1529 x B70 x H85mm | Lumen | 4981-5701lm/stk |
IP | IP22 | Doeltreffendheid | 123lm/W |
Installasie | Afgesny Ingeboude | Lewe Tyd | 50 000 uur |
Netto gewig | 2 kg | THD | <20% |
Armatuur: LUZ(7085), opties: Prismatiese lens, krag: 45W Doeltreffendheid: 123lm/W, LED: Osram, drywer: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 5535 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5535 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5535 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4982lm | 90+ | 3000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4982lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4982lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 5701lm | 80+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5701lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5701lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 5131 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5131 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5131 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 5258lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5258lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 5258lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 45.0W | 4732lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Aan-Af |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4732lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatiese lens | 85° | <22 | L1529mm | 46,4W | 4732lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |